Phillip Pheasant - Creature Feature

Where it all began - Phillip Pheasant

Phillip was the first creature I drew and it wasn’t until after he was completed and I started talking to people about my very loose ideas of what I was creating, that I realised the importance of capturing the essence of the character of the animal in my drawing.

I didn’t want to do caricatures or make them comical, but it dawned on me that his innate character had unintentionally been brought to life. And this became the central feature of all my Beasties.

They all have a name that normally comes to me very early on, and each have their very clear character identity that starts with the face and pose.

Phillip (or one of his equally beautiful but dim-witted friends) is ever present in my neck of the woods. It’s near on impossible to leave my village without having to slow down or swerve out of the way. I haven’t worked out if it’s an air of pompous disdain or pure feather-brained obliviousness that means he’s forever running the gauntlet against the machines

Either way, it seemed important to capture this nonchalant attitude when drawing him in all his magnificence.

You can shop everything Phillip here….


Tasty Spring Lamb


Creature Feature